
Rehabilitation Strategies For Patients With Cancer I – Basics In Oncology: General Clinical Practice Online Course


This certification in oncology rehabilitation is for all clinicians working in hospitals, home care or private clinics who treat patients with a history of cancer or who have been diagnosed with cancer.  The certification is composed of 3 different levels that can be completed online. This is the 1st level.

Taught by Mary-Ann Dalzell, BSCT, MSC

Following completion of this basic course, students will be able to:
Recognize and understand the unique rehabilitation needs related to cancer pathology and medical treatment interventions
The specific effects of surgical, chemotherapeutic and radiation protocols on functional capacity including: generalized hematological and metabolic alterations, disease and treatment related muscular weakness, chronic residual pain, cancer fatigue, and neurological dysfunction.

This certification in oncology rehabilitation is for all clinicians working in hospitals, home care or private clinics who treat patients with a history of cancer or who have been diagnosed with cancer.  The certification is composed of 3 different levels that can be completed online. This is the 1st level.

Taught by Mary-Ann Dalzell, BSCT, MSC

Module 1: Overview of Cancer Rehabilitation
Module 2: Introduction to cancer pathology, staging and medical treatment interventions
Module 3: Overview of Medical Treatments For Cancer and Advances In The Last Decade
Module 4: Hematological effects of treatment
Module 5: Neurological effects of cancer and treatment
Module 6: Muscular effects of cancer and treatment
Module 7: Cancer – related pain
Module 8: Cancer – related fatigue
Module 9: Clinical assessment and framework for decision-making

With an additional package of resources

Following completion of this basic course, students will be able to:
Recognize and understand the unique rehabilitation needs related to cancer pathology and medical treatment interventions
The specific effects of surgical, chemotherapeutic and radiation protocols on functional capacity including: generalized hematological and metabolic alterations, disease and treatment related muscular weakness, chronic residual pain, cancer fatigue, and neurological dysfunction.

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