Dysfunction Junction Online Course


The cranio-cervical, cervico-thoracic, thoraco-lumbar and lumbo-pelvic-hip regions of the spine make up “dysfunction junction”. These areas are the transition zones between spinal regions and can be source of our patient’s headaches, neck, shoulder, back, buttock and groin pain and often our own frustrations.

This program outlines the common masqueraders of these junctions, the typical pain patterns, physical assessment and examples of effective manual therapy interventions. Put the FUNCTION back into the JUNCTION.

Upon purchase, access is given for 10 weeks.

The cranio-cervical, cervico-thoracic, thoraco-lumbar and lumbo-pelvic-hip regions of the spine make up “dysfunction junction”. These areas are the transition zones between spinal regions and can be source of our patient’s headaches, neck, shoulder, back, buttock and groin pain and often our own frustrations.

This program outlines the common masqueraders of these junctions, the typical pain patterns, physical assessment and examples of effective manual therapy interventions. Put the FUNCTION back into the JUNCTION.

Unit 1 Cranio-cervical masqueraders
Unit 2 Cranio-cervical management
Unit 3 Cervico-thoracic masqueraders
Unit 4 Cervico-thoracic management
Unit 5 Thoraco-lumbar masqueraders
Unit 6 Thoraco-lumbar management
Unit 7 Lumbo-pelvic-hip masqueraders
Unit 8 Lumbo-pelvic-hip management

Upon purchase, access is given for 10 weeks.

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