Certifications & Bundles

These programs consist of multiple online courses relating to a specific area of study taught by leaders in the field.

Purchasing a certification program or bundle gives access to the included online courses at a discounted rate.


Periodized ACL 4 Part Program

This includes all 4 parts of the Periodized ACL Program at a bundle price.


Diagnostic Imaging for Physiotherapist

This program has been developed to prepare Physiotherapists to work at the top of their scope of practice in MSK care. This distance-learning program delivers over 50 contact hours of self-paced learning through four comprehensive courses: Imaging foundations, Imaging spine, Imaging Extremities, Imaging Utilization supported by videos and additional resource materials.

Cover for back pain 300 starter pack online physiotherapy courses

Physio Academy – Back Pain 300 Series Starter Pack

The Back Pain 300 Starter Pack gives you an overview of the sources and causes of LBP and introduces the concept of discogenic pain.
This is a bundle package that includes Back Pain 300 and Back Pain 301 at a discounted rate.
Registration through KCS provides you with a 10% discount to this high-quality program from a leading Physiotherapy educator.  The discount code is provided by completing the popup form and is sent to the provided email.  Upon purchase through Physio Academy access is given for 150 days.

Cover for Cancer rehabilitation certificaion online physiotherapy courses

Cancer Rehabilitation Certification

Key Clinical Skills has partnered with BIA formation of Quebec to develop this certification in oncology rehabilitation for all rehabilitation professionals. The program is delivered online at your own pace and will prepare you with the tools to safely and effectively maximize the recovery of cancer patients.
The program may be taken as 3 individual course or together in this certification program with significant cost savings.

Cover for Shoulder Course online physiotherapy courses bundle

New Zealand Shoulder Certification Series

This is a series of online courses covering all aspects of shoulder screening, diagnosis and management.
The online courses provide a flexible, convenient, interactive learning environment using a range of written and audiovisual content supported by case studies and clinical reasoning exercises.

The series contains five courses.
Upon purchase, access to each course is given for 10 weeks.

Cover for Advanced physiotherapy practitioner certification course

Advanced Practice Certification for Physiotherapists (Online Component)

With an aging population, increasing costs and demands, new models of health care delivery are being introduced in Canada. Advanced Practice Physiotherapist positions are currently established both internationally and in several Canadian Provinces with consistently positive outcomes for patient safety, clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness. These roles are expected to expand into primary care settings as well as serving in both medical and surgical triage positions in a variety of practice settings.

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